On Wednesday, April 2nd, Father Simon Harek from Marquette University's Center for Peace Studies spoke to about 55 people at UWM. Cosponsored by Democracy Matters and Progressive Students of Milwaukee, Simon Harek spoke about the relationship between corporations, special interest groups and private donors, the Bush Administration, and the Iraq War.
Harek theorized that war profiteers have always been businesses from the private sector who profit off the US going to war. For example, during WWII, dress shops that begin making uniforms to support the troops and also made a profit off of it as a byproduct. However, special interest groups now have such a large influence OVER, and a strong investment IN, the US' foreign policy, they are now attempting to MAKE WAR FOR A PROFIT INSTEAD. Harek further theorized that his is leading to essentially a corporate takeover of Iraq.
After the speech the audience wanted to know ways they could help change this. I spoke about the importance of having our US Representatives and Senators support the Fair Elections Now Act, and discussed how ridding elections of private donors and special interest groups will make our politicians more accountable to their constituents, and not those who fund their campaigns.
Jordan Burghardt
Democracy Matters Field Organizer
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